Gene Nosovitch of HMK is the April Producer of the Month

Congratulations Gene Nosovitch of HMK for being the April winner! In second is Ryan Rispoli of HMK and in third is John Eltringham also of HMK.

Year-to-date has Ryan Rispoli moving up to first with Gene Nosovitch moving into the number two spot and J.P. Geise moves back to third.

Next Generation Award

Timothy Price of HMK takes the lead with Julia Martello of Christian-Baker moving up to second. Brent Jones of Christian-Baker moves back to the number three spot.

Diversification Award

Gene Nosovitch continues to hold the number one spot ahead of Ryan Rispoli who is still in second and Shane Kunkleman of PDM remains in third.

Commercial Lines Agency of the Year

HMK moves ahead of AIA for the first and second positions, and Harding-Yost moves back to third.

Personal Lines Agency of the Year

Gearhart-Herr continues to hold first place with Harding-Yost moving up to second with PDM falling back into third.